Kogemus finantsalal
OÜ Calyptra Invest tegutseb finantsasutusena (Tegevusluba:Finantseerimisasutusena tegutseminе), finantseerib juriidilisi isikuid sihtotstarbeliselt, teeb oma huvides investeeringuid. Ettevõte emiteerib erainvesteeringuga ettevõtete võlakirju üksikute investeerimisprojektide jaoks.
“Our Company is a team of highly professional specialists with unique, many years’ experience in finance and investment. Our specific feature is an individual approach to each client and high dedication of the Company employees.
Develop Your business with us!
Modernize production, expand the boundaries of Your business, bring new ideas to life through additional financing.
The success of our clients is our success!”